
Neurology Networks tries to offer broad exposure to various topics that may be presented on the veterinary neurology board exam.

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Lesion Localization 1

Q: Your patient presents with mydriasis OS with absent direct and consensual (constriction from light stimulation OD) PLR in that eye. Direct and consensual PLR is present OD. There is external ophthalmoplegia including failure of retropulsion and absent corneal sensation OS. The remaining neurological exam is within normal limits. Localize the lesion.

A: Left cavernous sinus. Cavernous sinus syndrome can include internal and external ophthalmoplegia (CNN III, IV, VI) and varying CN V deficits (ophthalmic and maxillary branches). The sympathetic innervation to the eye courses near the sinus so Horner’s signs can also sometimes be seen.


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**A Practical Guide to Canine and Feline Neurology, 2nd edition. Dewey 2008. Pp25-27.

**Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog, 3rd edition. Evans 1993. Pp 708, 710.