
Neurology Networks tries to offer broad exposure to various topics that may be presented on the veterinary neurology board exam.

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Clinical neurology 3

Q.  What test can you run on CSF to try to confirm narcolepsy?































A.  Hypocretin levels.  This may be very low or undetectable in many acquired cases.  Heritable cases (dobermand, Labradors, dachshunds) may have normal hypocretin levels, but are dysfunctional due to decreased receptors instead. 


Neurobiol Dis. 2001 Jun;8(3):525-34.

“Hypocretin levels in sporadic and familial cases of canine narcolepsy.”

Ripley B, Fujiki N, Okura M, Mignot E, Nishino S.


Narcolepsy and cataplexy